7 August 2020
STATEMENT regarding David Haas
On 14 June 2020 the Catholic News Agency reported accusations of sexual abuse and spiritual manipulation against David Haas. A well-known composer of Catholic liturgical music, Mr. Haas has for many years overseen or performed at workshops and conferences in many dioceses throughout the United States, including the Diocese of Baker. His accusers, more than thirty women in all, allege that over a span of forty years he unethically exploited his fame in church music circles to groom and coerce women sexually. It is possible that parish musicians from Eastern Oregon were among their number.
Response to these charges was not long in coming. Oregon Catholic Press and GIA Publications both discontinued their relationships with Mr. Haas and took steps to cease publishing and selling his compositions. The Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles have both launched investigations.
For his part, David Haas initially denounced the allegations as “false, reckless, and offensive.” But then, on 9 July, he issued an “Apology Statement,” wherein he acknowledged that “I have caused great harm to a variety of people . . . leaving many to feel disillusioned, confused, and/or angry.”
Women David Haas harmed will not be helped by hearing his music sung at Mass. Accordingly, parish musicians in the Diocese of Baker are to make every effort to avoid singing or playing his compositions pending the outcome of the Minneapolis and Los Angeles investigations. If you were a recipient of unwelcome attention from David Haas, please feel free to report your experience to the Diocese.