Camp is located on Malheur National Forest (NF) Rd 924, North off of NF Road 16. From Seneca (on US Hwy 395, ~25 miles South of US Hwy 26 and ~ 42 miles North of US Hwy 20), turn East on 1st/ NF Rd 16, then North on NF Rd 924 (~20 miles). From John Day: head South on ~ 10 miles on US Hwy 395 to Canyon Creek Rd/NF RD 15, then turn East on NF Rd 16, then North on NF Rd 924 (~32 miles). From Prairie City (US Hwy 26): head South on Summit Prairie Rd, turning West on NF Rd 16, then North on NF Rd 924 (~32 miles).
For young men 13–17 yrs old to help guide them to discern how God may be calling them.
Young adult men 18–20 yrs old are invited to attend as helpers.
Men ages 21+yrs old are invited to attend as chaperones.