Articles written for The Diocesan Chronicle
December 20, 2020: "A Voice Crying Out in the Desert" - “La Voz Clamando en el Desierto”
November 29, 2020: "Be Watchful!" - "¡Estén Atentos!"
November 15, 2020: The Judgement that Awaits Us - Jucio que Nos Espera
October 22, 2020: Coin of Decision - Moneda de Decisión
September 20, 2020: 40 Days for Life - 40 Días de por Vida
August 23, 2020: Damien of Molokai: Priest and Leper - Damien de Molokai: Sacerdote y Leproso
August 9, 2020: Catholic Payroll Protection - Protección Católica de Cheques de Pago de Salarios
July 26, 2020: Mass of the Holy Oils - Misa de los Santos Óleos
July 10, 2020: The Choice of a Lifetime - La Elección de Toda la Vida
July 2, 2020: On Either Side of Easter - En Ambos Lados de la Pascua
May 22, 2020: Holding Bishops Accountable - Responsabilizar a Los Obispos
May 8, 2020: Communion at Mass - La Comunión y La Misa
April 19, 2020: This Isn't Our First Rodeo - Este No Es Nuestro Primer Rodeo
April 5, 2020: Palm Sunday - Domingo de Ramos
March 29, 2020: In Rome with Pope Francis - En Roma con El Papa Francisco
March 8, 2020: Sucipe
February 23, 2020: No Article due to Bishop's travels to his ad limina in Rome
February 9, 2020: A Visit to the Pope
January 26, 2020: No Article - The Diocesan Chronicle is fully dedicated to St. Francis de Sales Cathedral
January 12, 2020: Seat of Unity - Sede de Unidad
December 29: The Miracle of Things Made New - El Milagro de las Cosas Hechas Nuevas
December 15: A New Saint Speaks of Mary - Un Nuevo Santo Habla de María
December 1: Advent: A Season of Hope - Adviento: El tiempo de la Esperanza
November 17: Blessing of the Sick - Bendición de los Enfermos
Novemer 3: Buried with Christ - Sepultados con Cristo
October 20: The Snares of Death - Las Trampas de la Muerte
October 6: Aftermath of Abortion - Secuelas del Aborto
September 22: Navigating the Storm in the Church - Navegando la Tempestad en la Iglesia
September 8: Annual Appeal Update - Actualizacón de la Apelación Anual
August 25: The McCarrick Scandal-A Year Later - El Escándalo McCarrick-Un Año Después
July 28: The Hands of a Priest - Las Manos de un Sacerdote
June 16: Holding Bishops Accountable - Responsabilizar a Los Obispos
June 2: Feast of the Spirit - Festividad del Espíritu
May 19: Living Our Faith - Viviendo Nuestra Fe
April 21: Feast of the Founding - Fieseta de la Fundación
April 7: The Chrism Mass - La Misa Crismal
March 24: The Tempter's Path - El Sendero del Tentador
March 10: No Middle Way - No Hay Mitad del Camino
February 24: School of Mercy - Escuela de Misericordia
February 10: The Restrictive Reach of Roe - El Alcance Restrictivo de Roe
January 27: Pray for Bishops - Oración por Obispos
December 30, 2018: Time Begins Again - Nueva Comienza del Tiempo
December 16, 2018: A Miracle on the Way - Un Milagro en Camino
December 2, 2018: Joys of Advent - Alegría de Adviento
November 18, 2018: Blessing the Sick - Bendición de los Enfermos
November 4, 2018: Buried with Christ - Sepultados con Cristo
October 21, 2018: Apostolic Betrayal - Traición Apostólica
October 7, 2018: The Dark Sea of Scandal - El Mar Oscuro del Escandalo
September 23, 2018: The Liberty of Love - La Libertad del Amor
September 9, 2018: Confronting Corruption - Enfrentando La Corrupcón
August 26, 2018: Cardinal Corruption - Corrupción Cardenal
August 12, 2018: Paul VI, Pope and Prophet - Pablo VI, Papa y Profeta
July 29, 2018: The Masterpiece of Liberty - La Obra Maestra de la Libertad
July 15, 2018: The Question of Communion - La Pregunta sobre Comunión
July 1, 2018: The Witness of Woman - El Testimonio de la Mujeres
June 17, 2018: Retrouvaille - Retrouvaille Español
June 3, 2018: The Afterglow of Easter - El Resplandor de la Pascua
May 20, 2018: Sharing Our Faith - Compartiendo Nuestra Fe
May 6, 2018: 2018 Bishop's Annual Appeal - La Campaña de la Apelación Anual del Obispo 2018
April 8, 2018: An Easter Reflection - Una Reflexión de Pascua
March 25, 2018: Into Holy Week - En Semana santa
March 11, 2018: The Tempter's Path - El Sendero del Tentador
February 25, 2018: Give the Devil His Due - Dale a Satanás su Deuda
February 11, 2018: Incarnation as Invasion - Invasión de la Encarnación
January 28, 2018: Remembering Roe - Recordando Roe
December 31, 2017 : Advance Medical Directive and Health Care Proxy - Español
December 17, 2017: A Voice Crying Out in the Desert - La Voz Clamando en el Desierto
December 3, 2017 : Advent: A Season of Hope - Adviento: El tiempo de la Esperanza
November 19, 2017: Living Toward Death - Viviendo Hacia la Muerte
November 5, 2017: The Hour of Our Death - La Hora de Nuestro Muerte
October 22, 2017: Dying into Life - Morir hacia la Vida
October 8, 2017: Summer of the Eclipse - Verano del Eclipse
September 24, 2017: Be Not Afraid - No Temas
September 10, 2017: Honoring Our Lady of Fatima - Honrando a Nuestra Señora de Fátima
August 27, 2017: An Unjust Law - Una Ley Injusta
August 13, 2017: St. John Paul II - San Juan Pablo II
July 30, 2017: A Priest Forever - Sacerdote Para siempre
July 16, 2017: The Path to Holiness of Fatima's Saints - El Camino a la Santidad de los Santos de Fátima
July 2, 2017: Sainthood at Fatima - Santidad en Fátima
June 18, 2017: Our Lady of Fatima a Century Later - Nuestra Señora de Fátima, un Siglo después
June 4, 2017: A Fresh Voice for Life - Una Voz Fresca para la Vida
May 21, 2017 : Walking in Faith recorded homily given at all Masses on April 29/30 - Spanish
May 7, 2017: Walking in Faith Bishop's Annual Appeal Issue - Caminar por la Fe
April 23, 2017: Easter 2017 - Pascua 2017
April 9, 2017: The Challenge of Child Protection - El Desafío de la Protección de Niños
March 26, 2017: The Prayer of Old Jim - La Oración del Viejo Jim
March 12, 2017: God's Wisdom on Trial - La Sabiduría de Dios en Juicio
February 26, 2017: Come and See - Vengan y Vean
February 12, 2017: FORMED and Forgiven - FORMADO y Perdonado
January 29, 2017: A New Office for a New Year - Una Nueva Oficina para el Nuevo Año
December 11, 2016: Joys of Advent - Alegría de Adviento
November 27, 2016: The Mercy of Visitation - La Misericordia de la Visitación
November 13, 2016: Merciful Like The Father - Misericordia Entre Padres
October 30, 2016: The Month of the Dead - El Mes de los Muertos
October 16, 2016: Mother Teresa's Respect for Life - El Respeto por la Vida de la Madre Teresa
October 2, 2016: A Saint for the Year of Mercy - Una Santa para el Año de la Misericordia
September 18, 2016: Knights of Columbus - Caballeros de Colón
September 4, 2016: Pilgrims to World Youth Day - Peregrinos al Día Mundial de la Juventud
August 21, 2016: Belonging to Christ and His Church - Pertenecer a Cristo y a su Iglesia
August 7, 2016: A Christian Dies in Oregon - Un Cristiano Fallece en Oregon
July 24, 2016: Faith of a Physicist - Fe de un Físico
July 10, 2016: Tearing Down and Building Up - Derribando y Construyendo
June 26, 2016: Executive Discrimination - Discriminación Ejecutiva
June 12, 2016: Bishopo Cary's letter to Father John Jenkins, C.S.C., president of Notre Dame University - La siguiente es una carta que recientemente envié al Padre John Jenins , C.S.C., presidente de la Universidad de Notre Dame
May 29, 2016: Extension's Appeal - Apelación relacionada a la Extensión Católica
May 1, 2016: Good and Faithful Servants - Buenos y Fieles Servidores
April 17, 2016: Hearing God's Call - Escuchando el Llamado de Dios
April 3, 2016: Spotlight on Betrayal - Enfrentando la Traición
March 20, 2016: Into Holy Week - En Semana Santa
March 6, 2016: The Chrism Mass - La Misa Crismal
February 21, 2016: School of Mercy - Escuela de Misericordia
February 7, 2016: Works of Mercy - Obras de Misericordia
January 24, 2016: An Indulgence of Mercy - Una Indulgencia de Misericordia
January 10, 2016: Pilgrimage to Mercy - Peregrinación a la Misericordia
December 27, 2015: Year of Mercy - Año de lo Misericordia
December 13, 2015: Year of Mercy - Año de lo Misericordia
November 29, 2015: In the Spotlight - En el Centro de Atención (Spotlight)
November 15, 2015: A House of Hope - Un Hogar de Esperanza
November 1, 2015: Catholic Church - Iglesia Católica
October 18, 2015: Holy Church - Santa Iglesia
October 4, 2015: One Church - Una Iglesia
September 20, 2015: Apostolic Church - Iglesia Apostólica
September 6, 2015: The Faith of the Church - La Fe de la Iglesia
August 23, 2015: The Bread of Life - El Pan de Vida
August 9, 2015: Casting the Net of the Good News - Lanzando la Red de la Buena Nueva
July 26, 2015: Pope Francis on "Our Common Home" II - Papa Francisco en "Nuestro Hogar Común" II
July 5, 2015: Bishop Cary's statement regarding the decision of the United States Supreme Court on Same-sex Marriage - Declaración del Obispo Cary con respecto a la decisión del Tribunal Suprem de los Estados Unidos sobre el Matrimonio del Mismo Sexo.
July 12, 2015: Pope Francis on "Our Common Home" - Papa Francisco en "Nuestro Hogar Común"
June 28, 2015: The Call to the Priesthood - El Llamado al Sacerdocio
June 14, 2015: Loss of faith and Loss of Family - Pérdida de la Fe y Pérdida de la Familia
May 31, 2015: Giving Bishop Connolly Back to God - Regresando al Obispo Connolly a Dios
May 17, 2015: Bishop's Annual Appeal "Opening the Eyes of Faith" - Spanish
May 3, 2015: Religious Liberty in Peril - Libertad Religiosa en Peligro
April 19, 2015: The Ministry of Child Protection - El Ministerio de la Protección de los Niños
April 5, 2015: Entering the Empty Tomb - Entrando a la Tumba Vacía
March 22, 2015: The Chrism Mass - La Misa Crismal
March 10, 2015: BISHOP LIAM CARY's statement regarding the canonical status of JAMES RADLOFF in the Roman Catholic Church click here to view letter
March 8, 2015: Repentance and Reproduction - Arrepentimiento y Reproducción
February 22, 2015: Common Core and Catholic Schools - Common Core Y Escuelas Católicas
February 8, 2015: The Gospel of Vocation - El Evangelio de la Vocación
January 25, 2015: The Year of Consecrated Life - El Año de la Vida consagrada
January 11, 2015: Remembering Roe - Recordando Roe
December 28, 2014: God Becomes Poor - Dios se hace Pobre
December 14, 2014: Shaken by Christmas - Zarandeados por Navidad
November 30, 2014: Joys of Advent - Alegría de Adviento
November 16, 2014: The Celebration of the Mass - La Celebración de la Misa
November 2, 2014: The Month of the Dead - El Mes de los Muertos
October 19, 2014: Extending the Reach of the Faith - Extendiendo el alcance de la Fe
October 5, 2014: 2014 Election - 2014 Eleción
September 21, 2014: Mother Teresa in Our Midst - La Madre Teresa entre Nosotros
September 7, 2014: 1968: The Year of Two Prophets - Español
August 24, 2014: The Weeds and the Wheat - Español
August 10, 2014: Priest Assignments - Español
July 27, 2014: Belonging to Christ and His Church - Español
July 13, 2014: St. John Paul II - Español
June 29, 2014: Pentecost and Trinity - Español
June 15, 2014: Pope-saints/Marriage - Español
June 1, 2014: Vianney - Español
May 18, 2014: On the Bishop's Annual Appeal - Español
May 4, 2014: The Peril of Pornography - Español
April 20, 2014: Easter 2014 - Español
April 6, 2014: Protection of Children - Español
March 23, 2014: ICYC and Lent - Español
March 9, 2014: Health Care Lawsuits - Español
February 23, 2014: Incarnation as Invasion - Español
February 9, 2014: Saint Francis de Sales - Español
January 26, 2014: Come and See - Español
January 12, 2014: on Roe 41 - Español
December 29, 2013: Persecution - Español
December 15, 2013: Advent: A Season of Hope - Español
December 1, 2013: Part Four on Immigration: Making the Stranger Among Us our Neighbor
November 17, 2013: Part Three on Immigration: The Impasse of Immigration
November 3, 2013: Part Two on Immigration: Worth of Welcome
October 20, 2013: Respect Life month in the Year of Faith
October 6, 2013: Part One on Immigration: Welcoming the Stranger
September 22, 2013: In this Year of Faith the Gospel calls us to face the painful reality of division within the Household of Faith, the Church
September 8, 2013: Part Two : Countering the cultural "no" with the marital "yes"
August 25, 2013: Part One: The cultural contraceptive revolution and its consequences
August 11, 2013: Discovering beauty and goodness in the New Evangelization
July 14, 2013: What does Jesus' question "Who do men say that I am?" stir in you?
June 30, 2013: Praying for Vocations throughout the Diocese
June 2, 2013: Pentecost and the Holy Spirit
May 19, 2013: Bishop Cary's One Year Anniversary as our Shepherd
May 5, 2013: A Reflection on Vocations
April 21, 2013: Our first impression of our new Pope
April 7, 2013: An Easter Reflection
March 24, 2013: Reflections on the 2000-year-old legacy the new Pope will inherit
March 10, 2013: The papal election in the Year of Faith invites reflection
February 24, 2013: Reflections on Lent in the Year of Faith
February 10, 2013: On St. Francis de Sales, Patron Saint of the Diocese of Baker
January 27, 2013: On the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade
January 13, 2013: Year of Faith Teaching Series and Forward in Faith Appeal
December 30, 2012: On the miracle the Church calls "transubstantiation"
December 16, 2012: On the new translation of the Roman Missal - The Creed
December 2, 2012: The beginning of The Year of Faith
November 18, 2012: The Canonization of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
October 21, 2012: Respect Life month and the Elections
October 7, 2012: Forward in Faith Appeal
September 23, 2012: A True Witness to the Sanctity of Life
September 9, 2012: An introduction of Barry Metzentine and David O'Neill- Reflections on the National Convention of the Knights of Columbus
August 26, 2012: On the miraculous intervention of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha and her canonization
August 12, 2012: Priest assignment changes and reflections on the Powell Butte Retreat Center
July 29, 2012: On Confirmation Celebration at Lakeview parish - appreciating our Eastern Oregon Catholic beginnings
July 15, 2012: On HHS conscience-crushing provisions
July 1, 2012 : On Religious Freedom and HHS Impacts
June 17, 2012: On my ordination as Bishop
June 3, 2012: Ordination Issue
May 20, 2012: Greetings from Fr. Liam Cary - soon to be your new Bishop